Everything at Ventana has been designed and curated with one goal in mind – to inspire happiness. Members are celebrating a vision realized, sharing the joy of a positive new future and creating their own personal high-rise life. But don’t take our word for it.

Her Story
Jean’s grandmother was among the first orphans to receive care at the Buckner Orphans Home. She attended Buckner schools, and was married by Father Buckner. Jean grew up in Dallas, attending Woodrow High School and North Texas University, where she earned a degree in elementary education and met the man she would soon marry.
His Story
Darrell was in the Air Force ROTC in college. He also flew in the Air Force and Texas Air National Guard before joining Georgia Pacific, where he worked for the next 20 years. In 1985 he struck out on his own, founding the building materials business where both of their children now work.
Words To Live By
Darrell: Psalm 19:14, “May the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be pleasing to you, O Lord, my rock and my redeemer.” Jean: Phillippians 4:7, “And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.”
Darrell is an avid hunter, partial to quail and dove. He also still spends two days a week in the office. Jean enjoys suspense novels, and getting together with her girlfriends.
“The location is perfect. We can’t wait to see our view.”

Her Story
Born and raised in Munich, Germany, Irmgard married a US Air Force pilot and lived in locations from Washington, D.C. to Oahu before settling in Dallas and commencing her career.
Her occupation — and preoccupation — for the past 34 years has been real estate. Irmgard began selling homes in 1981, quickly became a top producer in the Greater Dallas area and has no plans to slow down any time soon.
Smartphone. Tablet. Laptop. Desktop computers —“I ask my clients on day one if they prefer to communicate by text, email or voice.”
For Others
Mental Health — she donates extensively and volunteers regularly to assist families in crisis.
Points of Pride
Maintaining her status as a Pinnacle Producer; succeeding as a single mother.
Source of Inspiration
Mozart’s Sonata No. 11 in A Major.
Words To Live By
“You never get a second chance at a first impression.”
Words To Live By
“It’s going to be a great home office — I can’t wait to move in and get to work.”

After 15 years as a legal secretary, she became licensed as a realtor — ultimately advancing to the top 4% of producers in the region. Retired “at the top” after 25 years.
Travel. Serious travel. She has visited more than 50 countries on five continents and purchases a special keepsake at every destination. “If you’re not a real traveler, get the heck off my plane.”
For Others
Six of her trips have been devoted to 2-week volunteering sessions at orphanages in Romania, Ukraine, Ethiopia and Peru. “I think it’s selfish on my part. I have no grandchildren, so it’s how I get to spend time with babies.”
Pride & Joy
Her son and daughter-in-law, who live in Las Colinas. She speaks with him daily and sees them every Sunday. He is his mother’s best friend and proudest accomplishment.
VIews on Ventana
“When I was asked to fill out their survey, I didn’t think they’d really make something this top tier, because no other community has. After one look at the plans, I was sold.”