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Moving on After Losing a Friend

Person grieving after losing a friend

Losing a friend at any stage of life can be difficult, but it can be particularly hard for seniors. The physical and emotional toll of losing someone close can be even more difficult as you age. When dealing with a loss of this kind as a senior, it’s essential to do so in a healthy manner.

Often, a senior living community’s staff can help members deal with grief. Call 214.225.6197 to speak with someone from Ventana’s caring and compassionate team about our senior living services in Dallas, Texas, that can help older adults dealing with loss.

What Seniors Should Know About Dealing with Loss

Seniors have more experience dealing with loved ones passing away and the grief that comes from it. But this doesn’t mean it gets any easier to handle. That is why it’s essential to understand the process of grief and how to properly cope with losing a loved one.

Seniors need to understand that grief is an individual process and there is no right or wrong way to cope with the loss of a friend. Everyone deals with grief differently, and it’s okay if your feelings change daily or week-to-week. It’s also important to recognize that grief doesn’t have an expiration date—you may feel like you’re dealing with the same emotions months after your friend has passed away. It’s okay to take as much time as you need to heal and move on.

Tips for Seniors Dealing with Losing a Friend

It’s vital to deal with grief in a healthy manner because not doing so can lead to unresolved trauma. This can be very damaging for seniors, as it can create physical, emotional, and behavioral issues. Thankfully, there are many things seniors can do while dealing with loss that can prevent these unwanted consequences to their overall well-being.

Talk About It

Don’t bottle up your thoughts and feelings. Instead, reach out to family members or other seniors in your community who might understand what you’re going through. Talking about your experiences can help bring closure and peace of mind at this difficult time.

Find Support

Many resources are available for seniors who are grieving the loss of a friend, such as counseling services and local support groups. Connecting with others who have gone through similar experiences can provide comfort during this trying period.

Get Active

Seniors can increase their physical activity by doing the following:

  • Gardening
  • Joining an exercise class
  • Swimming
  • Taking a walk around the neighborhood

Exercise is one of the best ways seniors manage their emotions while dealing with grief. It releases endorphins which act as natural mood boosters while helping alleviate stress.

Celebrate the Lost Friend’s Life

You may reflect on all the happy memories shared with your lost friend when thinking about them—use these moments to celebrate their life. Hosting a memorial gathering or visiting places that remind you of them are great ways to commemorate their legacy while honoring their memory in meaningful ways.

Take Care of Yourself

Taking time out for yourself is essential when grieving. Make sure you get plenty of rest, exercise regularly, eat nutritious meals, and practice mindfulness activities such as yoga or meditation when feeling overwhelmed by emotions. Taking good care of yourself will help keep your spirits up during tough times like this.

Dealing with Loss? Find Help in Texas at Ventana

Losing a friend at any stage in life can be incredibly difficult—especially for seniors whose lives may be more limited than those of younger generations. Grief is a unique experience that’s hard to articulate—even more complicated when navigating unfamiliar waters alone. Ventana offers compassionate support services designed specifically for seniors coping with loss. Contact Ventana today at 214.225.6197 to learn more.